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1. How has tourism developed since the Second World War?

2. What are the positive effects of mass tourism?

 3. How does mass tourism affect water consumption and supplies in holiday resorts?

 4. What are the effects of holiday air travel on the environment?

5. How should we react to the negative effects of mass tourism?


Teil A)

A After World War II not only the number of cars, houses and consumer goods exploded in size but also international tourism grew significantly. Now mass tourism has reached 5 every remote part of the world bringing money, jobs, hotels and airports. With cheap hotels and flights at hand millions of travellers cover long distances in each and every direction in order to find new attractions. many countries and regions, tourism is the main source of employment and income today with worldwide revenues from tourism amounting to about US $ 2 trillion per year!

Teil B)

However we do not need to travel far in order to see the problems this enormous rise in mass tourism has caused. In Spain, the world's second most popular tourist destination, the effects are obvious. The combination of high tourist activity on the one hand and agriculture on the other have led to massive drinking water shortages. In some coastal areas population figures are ten times higher in the peak season in summer compared to the relatively quiet wintertime. Hundreds of litres of drinking water are consumed by each tourist per day, and not only for drinking or preparing food, but also for showers and swimming-pools. The number of golf courses has risen enormously and these require millions of litres of water to stay green in the summertime. Moreover intensive agriculture also reduces the reserves of drinking water in many areas. As there is little rainfall in Spain this pressure on water supplies leads to falling groundwater levels. When these levels sink seawater replaces groundwater in coastal areas and contaminates wells and farmland.

Teil C)

Another effect of the increase in mass tourism is massive air pollution. A study says that one transatlantic return flight alone produces about half the CO, emissions that an average person usually produces in one year! Flights to popular tourist destinations have become so cheap that millions of tourists from Britain or Germany just hop onto a plane to the south of Spain or Majorca every summer or book long-distance flights to Thailand or the Caribbean. The CO̟emissions from holiday air travel contribute to global warming which among other effects causes a rise in sea levels. And ironically, this rise puts all the coastal areas worldwide at risk including popular coastal tourist resorts.

Teil D)

These are just two examples of how mass tourism leads us in the wrong direction. So what can we do? Well, the first step is to think before planning your holiday and to care what effect it might have. Do not only look for a maximum of pleasure and a minimum of costs. The real cost of your holiday is much higher than you think if you consider the effect of your journey on the local people and the environment. Do local people really profit from my stay or am I supporting international investors? Will I really get to know local people and their culture or will I live in a tourist ghetto? Am I helping to harm the environment or am I treating it with respect? Of course, holidays can mean sunshine and fun. But planning your holiday more thoughtfully could mean that you care.

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1: Since World War II, international tourism has grown significantly and has reached every corner of the world, bringing money, jobs, hotels, and airports. Today, tourism is a main source of employment and income with worldwide revenues from tourism amounting to about US $ 2 trillion per year.

2: The positive effects of mass tourism are the influx of money, jobs, and growth of the hospitality industry.

3: Mass tourism affects water consumption and supplies in holiday resorts by causing high demand for drinking water, leading to shortages in some areas. This is due to increased water use for showers, swimming pools, and golf courses. Additionally, intensive agriculture in tourist areas can also reduce reserves of drinking water, causing groundwater levels to fall and potentially becoming contaminated with seawater.

4: Holiday air travel has a negative effect on the environment by producing massive amounts of air pollution, including carbon emissions. These emissions contribute to global warming and the rise in sea levels.

5: To react to the negative effects of mass tourism, people should be more mindful and considerate when planning their holidays. This includes thinking about the impact of their journey on local communities and the environment, and making decisions that support local people and are respectful of the environment.

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