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Aufgabe im Englisch-Unterricht:

Drei Sätze heraussuchen und eine Partizipial-Konstruktion daraus machen.

Shorten the following text by using participle constructions whenever possible. Write down the new text in your notebook.

The rate of teenage pregnancy, which was very high in the United Kingdom in the last decade, used to be shocking. One in every 25 teenage girls became pregnant in the UK. In comparison with Germany or France, Britain has the highest rate of teenage pregnancies under the age of 17. The United States and New Zealand are developed countries with higher teenage birth rates than Britain.

Teenage pregnancy rates, which have almost halved in 2017 , are at a historical low in the United Kingdom and this is regarded as a big success. The reasons for this decrease, which include sex education classes at school, access to contraception and changing attitudes to young motherhood, can be shown by the latest statistics. One potential explanation, which was debated but couldn't be proven, is that teenagers simply spend less time in each other's company because of smartphones and social media.

The statistics also show another sad fact. Most fathers under the age of 18 who have a baby do not stay in long-term relationships with the mother of their child. Often they break up because of the hardship of being a teenage parent.

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Partizipalkonstruktion bilden auf Englisch

Um den Text zu verkürzen und dabei Partizipial-Konstruktionen zu verwenden, betrachten wir die vorgeschlagene Passage und identifizieren zunächst die Sätze, die für eine solche Umwandlung in Frage kommen. Ziel ist es, durch die Partizipial-Konstruktionen eine kürzere und prägnantere Formulierung zu erreichen, ohne den Informationsgehalt des Originaltextes zu verlieren.

Originalsätze und ihre Partizipial-Konstruktionen:

1. Original: The rate of teenage pregnancy, which was very high in the United Kingdom in the last decade, used to be shocking.
- Mit Partizipial-Konstruktion: *Having been very high in the last decade, the rate of teenage pregnancy in the United Kingdom used to be shocking.*

2. Original: Teenage pregnancy rates, which have almost halved in 2017, are at a historical low in the United Kingdom and this is regarded as a big success.
- Mit Partizipial-Konstruktion: *Almost halved in 2017, teenage pregnancy rates are at a historical low in the United Kingdom, and this is regarded as a big success.*

3. Original: The reasons for this decrease, which include sex education classes at school, access to contraception, and changing attitudes to young motherhood, can be shown by the latest statistics.
- Mit Partizipial-Konstruktion: *Indicated by the latest statistics, the reasons for this decrease include sex education classes at school, access to contraception, and changing attitudes to young motherhood.*

Zusammenfassung mit Partizipial-Konstruktionen:

*Having been very high in the last decade, the rate of teenage pregnancy in the United Kingdom used to be shocking, with one in every 25 teenage girls becoming pregnant. Britain, in comparison with Germany or France, has the highest rate of teenage pregnancies under the age of 17, even though the United States and New Zealand are developed countries with higher teenage birth rates. Almost halved in 2017, teenage pregnancy rates are at a historical low in the United Kingdom, regarded as a big success. Indicated by the latest statistics, the decrease's reasons include sex education classes, access to contraception, and changing attitudes towards young motherhood, with one debated but unproven explanation being that teenagers spend less time in each other's company due to smartphones and social media. The statistics also reveal that most fathers under the age of 18 who have a baby do not remain in long-term relationships with the mother of their child, often breaking up due to the hardship of being teenage parents.*

Diese Überarbeitung nutzt Partizipial-Konstruktionen, um den Text effektiv zu verkürzen und dennoch die wesentlichen Informationen zu bewahren.
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